PennWest Edinboro Emergency Procedures
1. Courtesy quiet hours are 11:00 P.M. to 9:00 A.M. and apply to inside any of the halls as well as the outside spaces around them (Parking lots, courtyards, etc.).
2. Maintenance concerns should be reported to a Summer Assistant IMMEDIATELY, including, but not limited to, spills on carpet; water leaks; toilet malfunctions; A/C malfunctions; etc.
3. Please stay only in building floor sections where your group is assigned and do not prop doors open at any time, as an alarm will sound. Propping doors may interfere with the card swipe system, resulting in the door being replaced, or the system needing fixed (which may result in damage charges to you).
4. While you are assigned a residence hall for your camp, there are staff members that continue to live in the residence halls, and it is also their home. Please be respectful of the use of the kitchen and common areas, as your group is not the only one using them while you are here. Laundry Rooms may not be used as storage areas.
5. Guests may post items only with blue painter’s tape in individual rooms and on room doors, but not in hallways, on bulletin boards, or exterior doors. Due to fire code, only 50% of individual room doors may be decorated.
6. Elevators should not be used in a fashion to exceed maximum weight or capacity, and may not be jumped in. If an elevator breaks down for this reason, the camp will be charged for the maintenance call and repair.
7. Be courteous to others on campus – Foul or offensive language and/or harassment/hazing, verbal or otherwise, of any staff,other groups, or participants is considered unacceptable behavior.
8. Smoking/Vaping is only permitted in outdoor areas away from any building entrance, window, or fresh air intake. Only individuals over the age of 21 may have alcohol, and it is only permitted in their personal residence hall room.
9. All trash must be removed and properly disposed of in the recycle/trash rooms located on each floor section at the time of check-out. The camp may incur excessive cleaning charges as a result of excessively dirty room conditions or damage.
10. Do not open windows when air conditioning is on. The temperature range in all rooms is 68 degrees to 72 degrees. If the temperature is well below or above that range, contact a Summer Assistant or your camp director. Screens must not be removed from windows and no items may be thrown or dropped from a window.
11. Furniture must not be moved or removed from common areas such as lounges or from individual rooms (including mattresses). If furniture is moved, there will be a charge for the labor to move it back.
12. All types of cleats and spiked footwear must be removed prior to entering the residence halls as they may damage floors. In addition, roller blades, skateboards, scooters, bikes, are prohibited from being used from being used inside campus buildings, and all electric transportation devices are prohibited from being used or stored inside campus buildings.
13. Disruptive behavior inside the residence halls is prohibited including, but not limited to, weight lifting, stunts, water battles, shaving cream fights, running in the halls, wrestling, playing ball or other sports, etc. These types of activities can impact the building’s safety, structure, and alarm systems. Smoke detectors and sprinkler heads may not be tampered with or covered up.
14. For the safety of those staying on campus, any guests, including food delivery drivers, those dropping of items, or family friends, are not allowed inside the Residence Halls. Please wait for them outside of the hall.
15. The University has strict procedures regarding Emotional Support Animals in the Residence Halls, and they are not permitted unless extensive documentation and paperwork is provided to the University in advance. Any Emotional Support Animalsarriving on campus that the University has not approved in advance will not be able to stay.
Residence Halls – What to Bring
- Bedding (pillow, blankets, sheets)
- Towels and washcloths
- Window Coverings (Please make sure indivuduals bring something to hang on the curtain rod of their bedroom to cover the window. This can be as simple as a thick sheet or towel, etc. (3’1″ x 4’8″).
Residence Halls – What NOT to Bring
- Illegal drugs/ paraphernalia (though approved medicinally in several states, marijuana is still illegal in the state of Pennsylvania)
- Candles/ candle warmers/ incense are not permitted in any residence hall (even for decorative purposes)
- Alcohol, including empty alcohol containers\
- Ceiling fans
- Electronic cigarettes or hookah
- Extension cords
- LED rope lights (while the lights are not prohibited themselves, fastening them to the wall with light strip adhesive will damage paint leading to wall damage)
- George Foreman or similar grills
- Guns and or any look-alike weapons
- Hotplates, hotpots, toaster ovens or toasters, crockpots, air fryers, rice cookers, or other cooking appliances with exposed heating elements
- Non-University provided beds
- Command Hooks & Strips, nails, screws, tacks, glue, or other items designed to hang items from the walls or ceilings that might damage the surface
- No pets except fish (10-gallon take or less). Service animals, or support animals must be registered with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD)
- Space heaters
- Wireless routers and printers (they interfere with the University’s wireless internet system)
Other Reminders
1. Each person should have their key and access card with them at all times. Your hall will be unlocked during check-in ONLY. After that, all main doors will locked 24/7. Your swipe card gives you access to the building and your hallway. They key gives you access to your room.
2. Residence Hall check-in will be at the sports dome. You will check in with PA West and Edinboro Housing to get your room lists, and then you will be directed to your residence hall to pick up your physical keys.
3. Check-out is on Sunday by 10AM directly in your residence hall – there is no need to check out in the sports dome. Express check-out is available in your hall for those wanting to check out before Sunday. Late check-outs will receive a late charge from PA West.
4. All trash should be tied in bags and taken to the trash room on the first floor of your residence hall before check-out.
5. Lost/damaged keys will be charged $80, and lost/damaged access cards will be charged $20.
6. If you have an issue in your residence hall, please see if there is someone available at the main desk. If there is not, you may call the duty phone number posted in your hall.
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